Free Flights for Plane Loving Kids and Teens With Young Eagles Program!
Do you have a child or teenager that loves planes or dreams of being a pilot? If you have a child between the ages of 8 and 17 there are thousands of EAA member volunteer pilots who would love to take you child on a free Young Eagles flight. That’s right – a free flight!
The EAA Young Eagles program wants to encourage your child’s interest in flight by offering them a free plane ride! Unlike commercial flights, your child will be flying in a small plane where he/she will learn about flying and get to watch the pilot! The program is made possible by volunteers all across the country who donate their time in order to teach and inspire young pilots-to-be.
To schedule your free flight, go to the young website. There you can learn about the program. Click here to find a flight coordinator near you or check their calendar of events. Contact the coordinator and set up your flight.
I went in to check it out and there are volunteers in Fort Myers, Naples and Punta Gorda! We will be doing this for sure as soon as my daughter turns 8 in May, I know she would love it!
Don’t miss this opportunity for an unforgettable experience and head to the young website to find out more and to schedule your flight!
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How COOL is this??? I had no idea of this program. And, I know a few young ones that would truly enjoy this… I’m passing on the knowledge 🙂 Pinning, too!
Yeah I couldn’t believe I had never heard of this before. My daughter will love this, just have to wait a few months until she turns 8. 🙂
awesome !!
Oh my gosh, yes! My son just did his 3rd grade science project on airplanes and how they work. He did such a good job! His uncle is in college studying aviation right now and they converse about his studies all the time. So glad I saw your post!
Elizabeth Rising Early, 31 Days
I wish I was into blogging and reading other people’s blogs when we were at Fort Myers for vacations. We had a few children with us that would have really enjoyed this. I will have to keep this in mind for next time we go. Thank you for the great ideas.